How to wear a puffer vest guys? | Puffer vest outfits men.

Some men are fond of wearing puffer vest jackets because they find them comfortable, stylish and versatile.

If you are one of those men, who love wearing a puffer vest or wanted to try it, then don’t blink your eyes until you read the article till the end.

Puffer vests are comfortable, stylish and versatile? Yes, it is!! It is sleeveless so it makes you feel comfortable in mild winter, and in severe winter when you layer various outfit stuff with it, still it feels comfortable. 

Any puffer jacket makes you look stylish just because it looks and a puffer jacket without sleeves are just ‘icing on the cake’ you can flaunt your innerwear. 

Talking about versatility it can be used as innerwear and overwear, it can be worn in mild winter as well as severe winter, how? That’s what this post is all about. 

This article will show you the best way you can utilise your puffer jacket for looking stylish.

Here are various ways that will give you an idea of how you can wear your puffer vest and make various cool outfits using your puffer vets. 

So, let’s see what we’ve –

As an over wear

Puffer vest over shirts/woolen shirts

Puffer vest over shirts/woolen shirts

A puffer vest and check shirts combinations are like made for each other, when you wear this combo people are going to say that, “Man have got dressing sense.”

In mild winter you can wear any of your favourite shirt with your puffer jacket and it is stylish to go. 
Puffer vest over shirts/woolen shirts
In severe cold, the main combo comes in, your woolen shirt which is usually in check patterns and your puffer vest and that’s it you’ve got your perfect combo of this winter season. 

Puffer vest over hoodies

Second perfect outfit stufff that you can go with your puffer vest is hoodies. A hoodie under a puffer vest is gonna work in two various ways. 

First, it will help to keep you warm in winter season, which we all seek for. 
Puffer vest over hoodies
And second, it will make you look a bit swaggy which we all want to be but these winters abandoned us to look so. 

Puffer vest over full-sleeves t-shirts or sweatshirts

Puffer vest over full-sleeves t-shirts

Third best stuff that can go with your puffer vest is crewneck sweatshirts or t-shirts. 

A sweatshirt or Full-sleeves shirt is that third option you should go as an inner wear with your puffer vest. 
Again, if it is a mild winter go with a t-shirts and your puffer vest anf if winter is on its top then go with a sweat shirts and you can wear a inner under your sweatshirts and then your puffer vest, that’s it. 

Puffer vest over sweater

Puffer vest over sweater
Next is a sweater, there are various types of sweaters in men’s fashion go with one you have. 

Use muffler

Puffer vest over sweaters and muffler
Talking about a small stuff to add a style in your outfit a muffler. 
If you are smart enough to carry a muffler add it under your jacket. 
As an inner wear

Puffer vest inside a trench/long coat

Okay, now is the time to show you that you can wear your puffer vest as as inner wear too. 

If you are fond of wearing a long coat wear it over your puffer vest. 
Puffer vest inside a trench/long coat
If your puffer vest is a skinny fit puffer vest then wearing it under a long coat is just a normal, it will gonna work as a shield in winter season for you. 

Mistakes to avoid while wearing puffer vest

These were some stuff which you should wear your puffer vest and ways how you should wear it. 
Now here are some stuff that you should avoid wearing with your puffer vest – 
  • Don’t wear your puffer vest with sleeveless or short sleeve shirt because your puffer vest is already sleeveless and wearing it with other sleeveless stuff is just annoying.
  • Don’t wear a sweater which have big collar like; shawl collar with your puffer vest. 
  • A hoodie will look good only with those puffervest which have short collar if you have a highneck pufffer vest then avoid wearing a hoodie with it. 
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by Sangyanu
Love fashion and a better lifestyle, Never sit back always in search of a better me because I believe that "Improving yourself is a key to getting a life you want."
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